Wash And Go: How To Do A Wash N Go Hairstyle On Natural Hair

How to Do a Wash and Go (Wash n Go) Hairstyle

If y'all struggle with dry natural hair, the wash and go (i.due east., launder n become) is a neat manner to try for many reasons. The launder and go styling process promotes hair wellness and leaves you with moisturized, defined curls.

In addition, not only is the style simple to attain, but information technology tin can be done on various hair lengths, hair types, and textures. In this commodity, nosotros'll give you step-by-step instructions on how to do a wash and go hairstyle.

Table of Contents

  • 1 What Is a Wash and Go?
  • two How To Practice a Launder and Go (Launder northward Go) Hairstyle
    • 2.1 Hair Prep Supplies:
    • two.2 Styling Supplies:
  • 3 Set up Your Hair
    • 3.ane Shampoo Your Pilus
    • 3.2 Condition Your Hair
  • 4 Complete Your Hairstyle
    • iv.1 Styling Steps:
    • 4.2 Stretch Your Hair (Optional):
    • 4.3 Refresh Your Hairstyle
    • iv.4 Make Your Style Last Longer
  • five Pros and Cons
    • 5.one Pros:
    • 5.two Cons:
  • half-dozen Dos and Don'ts
    • 6.i Do:
    • six.ii Don't:

What Is a Launder and Go?

A wash and go hairstyle, also called a wash n become, is when y'all article of clothing your hair in its natural whorl pattern highlighting your hair texture. This mode is done without using any heat styling tools or extensions.

Information technology's a common manner for women with a decorated lifestyle. Regardless of your curl pattern, or where you fit on the popular hair typing charts (e.g., type 4 hair type), a wash and go hairstyle should be an option within your hair care routine.

Notation: If you're interested in learning more about hair texture and hair types, read this article roofing type 1, type ii, type iii, and type iv classifications.

How To Do a Launder and Go (Wash n Become) Hairstyle

Black female with a yellow shirt talking on her new iPhone outdoors.

Fifty-fifty for hairstyles that don't require extensions, it is always essential to brand sure you have all the necessary supplies on hand earlier you begin.

Also, this mode more often than not requires a lot of products, so make sure that you aren't running low on any of your favorite styling products.

Hair Prep Supplies:

  • Clarifying shampoo and moisturizing shampoo (unless yous'll be co-washing)
  • Moisturizing conditioner
  • Deep conditioner (optional)
  • Broad-molar rummage for sectioning your hair and detangling
  • Denman brush for detangling
  • Alligator clips for sectioning (optional)

Styling Supplies:

  • Denman brush
  • Spray bottle filled with h2o
  • Oil of your choice
  • Styling lotion or cream of your choice (Moroccanoil Curlicue Defining Cream is one of our favorite ringlet creams)
  • Styling gel of your choice
  • Alligator clips
  • Pilus dryer with diffuser attachment (optional)
  • Hair bonnet or silk scarf

Prepare Your Hair

African American woman with type 4b curls wearing a blue sweater.

If you want to achieve the best wash and go results possible, it is crucial to set up your pilus before styling. You'll want to start this style with make clean and moisturized hair. The post-obit sections will tell you how to prep your pilus.

Shampoo Your Pilus

Earlier you begin this style, it is recommended that you thoroughly launder your pilus to remove production buildup. Doing this volition allow your wash and get to last for several days, and even up to a calendar week!

Follow these steps to shampoo your hair:

  1. Begin by wetting your pilus with warm h2o. Make certain the water is non besides hot, every bit this can cause actress dryness.
  2. If you'd similar, you can split your hair into sections while shampooing to make the procedure more manageable. This step is beneficial if you have very thick hair.
  3. Apply your clarifying shampoo. Exist sure to focus the production at the roots. You shouldn't utilize shampoo directly to your ends, especially clarifying shampoo. This product can be drying, causing tangles and damage to your ends, which already tend to exist the driest part of your hair.
  4. Use the clarifying shampoo to your scalp, massaging thoroughly to remove whatever product buildup.
    • *Tip: Thoroughly massaging your scalp can also help promote hair growth by improving claret circulation in your scalp!
  5. Rinse your pilus to remove all of the clarifying shampoo.
  6. Next, echo steps two through 4 with a moisturizing shampoo. This will remove any remaining product buildup and restore some of the wet in your pilus that may have been stripped away by the clarifying shampoo.
  7. Thoroughly rinse your pilus, leaving no traces of either shampoo.

Notation on Co-washing: You can also do a wash and go on co-washed hair if you are in-between wash days, but information technology most probable will not last as long, and you'll demand to launder and style your hair again sooner than if yous kickoff with freshly washed pilus.

Status Your Hair

Afterwards y'all cease shampooing your hair, it's time to restore wet to your hair using conditioner, as curly hair is the driest of all hair types.

Follow these steps to condition your hair:

  1. Kickoff off by applying a moisturizing conditioner to your hair, focusing on the ends. Be sure to apply a generous amount and coat every strand! You can department your hair during this process, too, to ensure that all of your hair is conditioned.
    • Tip: Information technology's always a good thing to experiment with different products. Some conditioners are thicker and heavier than others, so experiment until yous notice a conditioner that gives you plenty moisture and doesn't make your hair feel weighed down or limp.
  2. Clip your hair up in alligator clips and put on a shower cap to allow the conditioner to sit in your hair for a few minutes.
  3. Rinse out the conditioner with absurd water to seal your hair's cuticles and lock in the wet from the conditioner.

If your hair feels dry out and needs extra wet, you tin can likewise apply a deep workout handling. Hither's how to deep condition your curls:

  1. In sections, employ a generous amount of deep conditioner to your hair. Gently rummage your hair with your fingers or a wide-tooth rummage to distribute the product evenly and make certain all your curls are coated. As with other conditioning products, you should focus on your ends.
  2. Gently detangle your pilus as you utilise the deep conditioner.
  3. Pin your hair up with alligator clips and put on a shower cap. Allow your pilus to soak in the deep conditioner for 15 – 20 minutes. If yous want to maximize the amount of moisture your hair receives, you lot can generate heat by wearing a heat bonnet or wrapping a towel effectually your shower cap.
  4. Thoroughly rinse your pilus with common cold water.

*You don't need to deep condition your pilus often. Over-workout your pilus is possible, which can make your curls feel limp and heavy. And so, you shouldn't deep status your hair more often than every ane to two weeks.

Complete Your Hairstyle

Once you've washed and conditioned your hair, yous are ready to begin styling! Follow the steps below to consummate your launder and go.

Styling Steps:

Best Wash-Northward-Go Always! | Natural Hair

  1. Part your pilus into 4 sections using your broad-tooth comb. Yous'll demand to separate the front of your hair into two sections and the back of your hair into ii sections. Use alligator clips to secure the sections that you aren't styling.
  2. Begin styling the dorsum of your hair outset. You lot may need to interruption the four sections into even smaller sections equally yous get, depending on how thick your hair is – this will ensure that the product is applied to all of your hair evenly.
  3. Spray the section with your spray bottle of h2o to dampen your hair.
  4. Use an oil of your pick to the section. Distribute it evenly by raking information technology through your strands.
  5. Apply your preferred styling lotion or cream to the section. Once again, rake it through for even distribution.
  6. Brush your hair with a Denman castor to remove any remaining tangles.
  7. Next, apply styling gel to the section. First, focus the product at the roots, and so rake it through the section with your fingers. Y'all tin can too use the praying hands method to utilize the gel, which will assistance create more than defined curls.
  8. Let your hair to dry out overnight, or lengthened your curls with a hairdryer.
  9. If your curls are crunchy and hard one time your pilus is dry, you tin scrunch your curls and employ some oil to "break the bandage" created by the gel.

Spotter the video demonstration higher up to assistance yous with the styling procedure.

Stretch Your Hair (Optional):

If you lot experience a lot of shrinkage or your hair does not accept the shape that you'd similar once your launder and go is dry, yous tin stretch your hair subsequently yous're done styling.

The best way to stretch your wash and go is by using the banding method:

  1. Divide your hair into 4 sections again, like before.
  2. Wrap bands or scrunchies down the length of each department. The bands shouldn't be too tight, as yous don't want to put creases in your hair.
  3. Put your hair upward in a silk scarf or bonnet and wear the bands overnight.
  4. In the morn, gently remove the bands.
  5. Shake and fluff your hair at the roots until you lot've achieved your desired shape and volume.

Refresh Your Hairstyle

Throughout the week, your curls may lose some definition and start to feel dry out again. Here are a few tips to refresh your curls throughout the week and stretch out the time between your wash days.

  • If your curls still feel moisturized just need more than definition, you can simply dampen your pilus in sections using a spray canteen and let it to air dry out. This will redefine your curls.
  • If your curls begin to feel dry, y'all tin department your hair, dampen it with your spray bottle and add in a small amount of leave-in conditioner, oil, or your preferred moisturizing product, focusing the product at the ends of your hair. Then let your hair to air dry.

Brand Your Mode Concluding Longer

To make your wash and go last for days, as mentioned earlier, complete the style on freshly done hair. Also, be certain to sleep in a silk bonnet or on a silk or satin pillowcase at night.

Doing this volition reduce friction between your hair and your pillowcase and sheets, which will prevent frizz and protect your beautiful, defined curls!

Pros and Cons

Women sitting outside on the grass wearing a yellow t-shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers using a digital camera.

In case y'all're not convinced that the wash and go mode is correct for your hair, we've compiled a helpful listing of pros and cons. This information will help you determine whether you want to endeavor out this style.


  • Moisturized hair is healthy pilus, and this fashion is perfect for keeping your hair moisturized. In most of the launder and get prep and styling steps, you'll be adding wet to your hair. So, the style is slap-up for those suffering from dry hair.
  • The wash and go doesn't take a long time to complete, and it's easy to do. It'due south an excellent style for beginners who are learning how to properly care for their curly pilus!


  • If you take thick or long hair, you may find that you're going through a lot of pilus products for your wash and go. If you do the style a lot, you'll find an increment in your monthly hair expenses. This is a big con for some.
  • Though a launder due north become is a protective style, information technology will not terminal every bit long as other protective styles. Some struggle to get it to concluding more than than a few days. And then, you'll have to rewash and restyle your hair.

For many who try a launder and get, the pros outweigh the cons.

Dos and Don'ts

A woman with natural kinks and coils is wearing a colorful top with a big smile.

Below is a listing of "dos and don'ts" for the launder and get. It's important to review these dos and don'ts before you begin styling, then yous don't miss whatsoever important details to help yous achieve flawless, defined curls.


  • Take your time when styling. Be sure to distribute your hair products evenly, don't miss any sections of hair when styling, and thoroughly detangle your hair every bit you get. Getting everything done right may have a little time, so exist patient!
  • Experiment with products. Every head of hair is dissimilar, and it might take some trial and error to find the right products for your pilus. There are many different styling products out there, so feel free to try out different options to run into what makes your pilus look and feel its all-time!


  • Don't use your styling products sparingly. Feel gratis to apply as much product as your hair needs, and that may be a lot! Using the necessary corporeality of product volition prevent dry and frizzy curls and give you defined, shiny, and moisturized curls instead!
  • Don't do this way on dirty hair. Yous should at least co-wash your hair earlier doing a wash and go. Applying production on top of product buildup can clog your hair follicles, preventing hair growth.
  • Don't exist discouraged if the fashion doesn't turn out right the first fourth dimension. Information technology may accept several tries to perfect the styling procedure.

Give the Wash and Get a Effort!

Hopefully, these step-by-stride instructions are helpful to you lot, enabling you lot to create shiny, voluminous, and defined curls! If you're new to caring for your natural hair, learn to love your natural curls – they're cute, just similar you lot!


Source: https://www.curlcentric.com/wash-and-go/

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