Works of Art Can Arise From the Perceptions of Grief Good or Evil or Injustice

„Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, only against the powers of the globe and the spirits of malice."
(Nag Hammadi Codex)

The question „who were the archon" is initially a bit misleading.

The archons are „beings" or „forces" that announced in the Gnostic scriptures and can exist seen as opponents for the adept. Assuming the theory is right, then one would have to assume that these Archons still be and ask „Who are the Archons?"

On the Internet we observe a lot of data about the Archons, some of which are quite frightening, which recently gained attention again through the publication „The betrayed Sky" by Dieter Broers. Accordingly, the archons are intrapsychic beings who manipulate our mind and want to rule united states of america. Understandable if ane or the other leaves at this bespeak.

However, if we start from a global consciousness, so we can also ask ourselves the spiritual question whether not just we humans participate in this field of consciousness, but possibly also other „beings". To sympathize: In such a global field of consciousness a person's mind could possibly office more like a radio, which receives (and likewise transmits) „thoughts". At that place are many indications for such a theory, from subjective experiences such as thought transferences (incidentally also proven past Uri Geller in experiments in which he sent a number past means of thoughts to a examination participant and the participant recorded information technology correctly) to objective measurement methods of the commonage and the global Princeton University Consciousness Project.

Anybody knows from personal experience that we as individuals practise non have total control over our thoughts, in psychology this mystery is ofttimes explained with the hidden. The subconscious model, however, usually suggests that we ultimately form a closed system in our mental processes. From this point of view it is surely nonsense to speak of archons as contained beings who manipulate our listen. A psychologist would probably claim that the archons are projections from the subconscious for repressed instinctual wishes, aggression etc .

Every bit much as I respect this bespeak of view, it does not completely satisfy me considering it hides the intersubjective connections (and the field of consciousness). If we assume that there is a field of consciousness, and so it is as well possible that we are manipulated by forces in information technology, since not all thoughts and emotions arise from usa alone. Therefore, this topic has preoccupied me and I have followed the sources of the Gnostics to clarify the question: Who are the Archons and how can I imagine the interaction with them? One cannot understand the archons if one does not study the evolutionary history of the Gnostics. Gnosis has a like creation story to Christianity, but is fundamentally different in certain key points.

Unfortunately, the Gnostic scriptures were burned by fanatical dissenters. De facto, the eradication of Gnostic knowledge is an unprecedented procedure in history in which virtually all records take been lost.

In December 1945, the Nag Hammadi scriptures were discovered in Egypt, which caused some of the cognition to reappear. The work „Pistis Sophia" by Carl Schmidt serves every bit a farther source of my research. There are quite extensive text passages on the creation myth that I volition integrate in fold-out modules for those who want to deal with it in more item.

Co-ordinate to the Gnostics, at the kickoff of all things was divine reason, which through the word created the all, of which Christ is the head. The footing of the universe is made upwards of 12 aeons / lights, one of them is Sophia (wisdom). At this point everything is still purely spiritual and in that location is no material manifestation. The 12 lights do everything in accordance with the cracking spirit.

The universe, the 4 lights, the 12 eons
(LJ 108-110, D 79-82)

Reason wants to reach a work and through the give-and-take the all is created, of which Christ is the caput. The 3 will, thought, and life come to him. The four lights or illuminators form the basis of the universe


the grace with the three eons of grace, truth, form,


the perception with the three eons of perception, insight / reflection (= Epinoia), memory,

Daveithai, agreement with the three eons Agreement, beloved, idea / image,

Eleleth, the wisdom with the three eons of wisdom (= Sophia), perfection, peace,

Rogether the 12 aeons that belong to Christ the Son.

Above the four great illuminators are set:


the perfect human being (again), the kickoff revelation, the truth,

his (Pigera-Adamas´) son Seth,

the offspring of Seth and the souls of the saints,

the souls of those who did not know the pleroma (= fullness).

Sophia, however, falls in love with her face and wants to make herself appear (by the way, a nice allusion to the myth of Narcissus, who falls in love with his reflection).

Nonetheless, she does this for the beginning fourth dimension without understanding with the cracking spirit and an imperfect work with a lion confront is created. She calls it Jaldabaoth (also called Authades in other places), she pushes it away from her in stupor.

Thus the first archon (ruler) is created with the divine power of his mother, simply at the same time separated and without the consent of the smashing spirit. Since he himself at present has the power of cosmos, he in turn creates 12 archons, who in plough create vii forces and these in turn create angels.

Creation Yaldabaoth
The Sophia and Jaldabaoth
(LJ 110-114, D 82-88)

Sophia wants to let an image of itself appear without the consent of the spirit. Only since she has the power, an imperfect piece of work with a king of beasts face is created. She calls it Yaldabaoth. He is the kickoff archon (= ruler). Sophia pushes him abroad, just Yaldabaoth has slap-up ability from his mother.

Yaldabaoth creates 12 archons (rulers) for himself

These create seven forces and the forces create angels. Yaldabaoth distributes his burn down amid them, is lord over them and calls himself „God" – an envious god besides whom there is no other god.

He names the seven forces

– Athoth – goodness
– Eloaio – prophecy
– Astraphaio – divinity
– Jao – rule
– Sabaoth Kingdom Adonein – desire
– Sabbateon – wisdom

His orders stand for to the paradigm of the commencement eons, still not because he can see immortality, only considering of the strength of his mother (Sophia) who is in him. When Sophia sees what error she has made (she had without Consent of the spirit and acted without the consent of her couple mate), she repents. She is overwhelmed by darkness and ignorance, and is aback and weeping. The pleroma (= fullness) hears its penance and asks the spirit. So her couple mate is sent to her so that she can correct her mistake. Then an impulse from the divine eons penetrates into the sphere of Yaldabaoth „Let u.s.a. create a man and call him Adam".

At this betoken you tin can see why the Gnostics were persecuted and so badly – the „creator" of the material globe is Yaldabaoth in these writings, simply the idea of man is sent past God.

Another creation myth follows – the archons (the servants of the supreme archon Jaldabaoth) develop their powers (which are called demons) on the ane mitt through matter through heat, cold, wetness and dryness and through the psyche in the class of lust, want, grief and fright.

Forces of the Archons

From the heights of the sublime eons an impulse

– voice and epitome of man

– penetrates into the sphere of Yaldabaoth.

This prompts Yaldabaoth: „Permit's create a homo …", „allow'south call him Adam".

Now follows a long list of artistic forces or angels and their works:

Seven forces (run across above) create seven souls.

Dozens of named angels create individual organs, whereby it is noticeable that internal organs are as well enumerated in detail, and that creation is androgynous, i.e. contains both sexual characteristics.

Seven rulers are fix over the previous ones.

xxx angels are named equally being effective in the organs and members.

Again 7 dominion over these.

V named forces oversee the functions of consciousness: sensory perception, absorption, imagination, harmony, movement.

The source of the demons (= forces) that are in the trunk is heat, cold, wetness, dryness, four forces or principles are named that are masters of these four.

The female parent of all is matter, unlimited and true.

4 leading demons are named, which are psychic in nature: lust, want, sadness, fear, as well as several passions derived from each. The number of angels is 365.

The list ends with a reference to the book of Zoroaster, in which the forces or angels should besides exist named that were not listed hither.

The archons are therefore jealous „beings" who keep man in the region of affair, considering human being exceeds the forces of that very region. Human has the spark of God in himself and the archons fell out of the divine kingdom every bit an accident of creation through Sophia. Fifty-fifty in wisdom human being surpasses the archons, since Yaldabaoth inadvertently transferred them to man: Adam is motionless for a long time. When Sophia asked the Mother-Father of the Universe to become her strength back from the First Archon (Yaldabaoth), he was advised to breath something of his spirit into Adam's face. He does non know that it is his female parent's strength and he follows the advice. Then Adam moves, gets strength and shines.

At that moment, the archons and angels of the hierarchy of creation of Yaldabaoth become jealous considering they realize that Adam's thinking is across their ain. So they throw information technology down into the region at the lesser of matter. Thereupon God sends a „light insight", which teaches him most his past and shows the way back to his divinity.

The mother-father of the universe sends Adam an epinoia of light chosen life to help him. She instructs him well-nigh his coming down and the way back in order to correct the fault of his mother (Sophia).

The Archons are, of course, anything just enthusiastic virtually this and are thinking virtually how they tin can regain command over „their" cosmos. Her main motives are obviously the domination and suppression of wisdom due to the sublimity of man and her own exclusion from the divine. In society to hinder man's insight into his divinity, the archons make Adam mortal and thus make him forget.

You accept the 4 elements, mix them together and bring Adam into the shadow of decease. This is the fetter of oblivion.

They put him in paradise and order him to swallow. Plainly he didn't demand any nutrient before (like to the samadhi state). The divine spark, however, the „Epinoia of Light" remains and awakens Adam. But the epinoia of lite in him awakens his thinking.

And the archons gave him instructions, and they said, „You shall eat of [all] the trees that are in Paradise. But do non eat or touch on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat from it y'all will die!" „They […] this, do not know what [they] [said] to him. But co-ordinate to the will of the male parent they said it in this fashion, that he might swallow and that Adam *non* see them like one who is entirely fabric." (Source)

Some parts of the original text are apparently illegible, which is why some sentences are kept foreign. Co-ordinate to the Gnostics, God led man to eat from the tree of noesis in order to see the archons in their truthful course exterior of the material. And then we accept a reversal of the biblical snake motif for a divine inspiration. The tree of life in the Gnostic Paradise is also completely different from what is reported in the usual traditions, its attributes are:

Deceit, godlessness, poison, decease, bitterness, hatred, wickedness, darkness.

So the Gnostics are very ascetic in their worldview and see the temptations of the world as the fetters of the lower spirit. Such a teaching is non entirely without attraction, one might think this corresponds more than and more to the state of our electric current consumer-oriented globe, which manifests itself in an omnipresent egoism. According to the Gnostic understanding of a world seduced past archons.

In the Gnostic tradition, the tree of knowledge is precisely that „Epinoia of lite". Despite all their efforts, the archons cannot seem to keep Adam from noesis and use the snake to use the cerebral faculty for lower purposes: Past means of the snake, Yaldabaoth tries to induce Adam to arbitrarily-creatively / sexually (depending on the translation) abuse of this holding.

It is also reported:

Yaldabaoth wants to get his force and particularly the Epinoia of light out of Adam's rib. Only the Epinoia of light cannot be grasped and Yaldabaoth brings out merely part of his (own) power. Afterward the image of Epinoia he creates a woman and brings the part of the power from Adam into the structure. When Adam sees the woman next to him, the light Epinoia appears then that Adam (once more) recognizes.

Sophia came down to correct her fault, therefore she is called life or mother of the living (= Zoe, Eva). Christ appears as an eagle on the tree of noesis to awaken both of them from the depths of sleep and to straighten their thoughts.

Thus, a holy covenant is described between human being and woman, which can lead to deeper knowledge. Jaldaboath'south endeavour to cast out his divine spark from human and to finish homo's superiority once and for all (to ensure his sole rule) has failed.

When Yaldabaoth notices that they are moving away from him, he exposes himself to his angels in his ignorance and throws Adam and the woman out of paradise and dresses them in dark darkness.

The apocryphon of John (Nag Hammdi) besides says:

The First Archon (Jaldabaoth) sees that the Epinoia of Light makes life appear in women and wants to defile them. The pronoia of the universe causes life to exist taken from Eve beforehand. Two sons ascend from the defilement: Eloim and Jave. Yaldabaoth calls them Cain and Abel (these are the names of the sixth and seventh of the twelve archons that Jadabaoth initially created).

With regard to cohabitation and sexual desire, there is a significant divergence in the German language-language translations:

„Sexual intercourse by the First Archon continues to this twenty-four hour period. And he planted sexual desire in those who belong to Adam." (Lüdemann & Janßen)

„To this day, the cohabitation facility that the Showtime Ruler established has been preserved. He had put procreation [in Adam]." (Dietzfelbinger).

The images of the bodies are awakened past the cohabitation.

Here, too, the ascetic aspect of Gnosis becomes clear. The instincts are attributed to the evil seduction, which in today's emancipated times is probable to run across with incomprehension. However, one cannot deny that there is a dark side to sexuality, obviously leading a life of its ain apart from everyday ideas.

The „pictures of the trunk" could also be an allusion to a holographic universe in which our identity with a body turns out to be an illusion, since nosotros are primarily spiritual divine beings. Through the act of procreation, which according to Blavatski was non accompanied by desire and lust in the previous races, the first Archon seduces man into a physical existence in gild to forget his mental abilities.

It is reported appropriately:

The First Archon (Yaldabaoth) made them drink water of oblivion then that they would non know where they came from. But when the Spirit comes downward from the sacred eons, they ascend.

What could the water of oblivion be?

What is forgetting?

And he said, „It is not equally Moses wrote and you heard. For he said in his beginning volume: ‚He put him to sleep.' Rather (it was merely) in his perceptions (that he slept). For he said through the prophet: ‚I will make their hearts heavy and then that they volition not be attentive and not see.'"

Then the Epinoia of light hid in him

The water seems to be the tears of sorrow, which are nourished by fate (after called Heimarmene).

There is also a study on the ways of the souls, with a rather sober clarification of the heaven and hell scenarios being handed down:

Dialogue between Jesus and John on the ways of souls:

The ones whose center of gravity corresponds to the spirit of life volition complete good and inherit eternal life.

Those in whom the spirit of life works simply who do not do the works volition be saved to the residuum of the eons, fifty-fifty if they were previously led astray by the despised spirit. Regarding the wrong ways, the atmospheric condition and relationships of the reincarnation sequence are discussed.

Those who have realized and nevertheless turned away become to a place where the angels of poverty go, a identify of no repentance. Those who have blasphemed the Holy Spirit are punished there with eternal punishment.

The means of the Archons are reported:

The First Archon (Yaldabaoth) wants to control people'south thinking, but does not know that this is not possible. He and his powers break the wedlock with Sophia and a bitter fate (Heimarmene) is fathered by them. All sins, injustice, blasphemy, the fetters of oblivion, ignorance, every difficult arrangement / every wrong order (depending on the translation), the great fearfulness arise from that fate. Fate captivates with measures, times and points in time.

The interaction with the archons takes identify in the listen, so information technology is merely indirectly a rule within matter. Fate is captivating


what I hateful hither is the comparing. Whenever a standard or an ideal is postulated, for example an platonic of beauty, people are defenseless by it and their thinking is taken upwards by it and distracted from the divine cocky towards adaptation.


I retrieve this means that we only take a certain period of time through the life cycle to regain divine knowledge.

Times this could mean that nosotros were all born in inequality and the winds of the zeitgeist blow over u.s.. For example, if previous generations had to feel wars or the current refugee crunch, this repeatedly distracts the focus from our destiny.

To be continued in due course.


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